Author Interview: Arabella Sheraton, Regency Romance

Arabella Sheraton is the author of the regency romance book The Reluctant Bridegroom.

From Planning to Published

When did you start writing and why?

Author:      A few years ago, my mom, who was an invalid, complained that the Regency romance books by a Big-Name Publisher were ‘all the same.’ She said, “I’m sure you could write a good Regency for me. Will you?” I thought to myself how hard could it be, and already being a Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer fan, I dived in.     

Are you indie, traditional, hybrid, or vanity, and why?

Author:      My first few books were written for a traditional publisher who, sadly, closed down when the owner became ill. I turned to indie publishing, found a good distributor, and have never looked back.

How did you determine your target audience?

Author:      Regency is a niche market with very dedicated fans. That makes it easy for a Regency author to tap into the market.


How do you promote your content?

Author:      I have a Facebook site, a website, and a Twitter profile. I post regularly to Facebook, but I am an avid Twitter user, and this has worked out the best for me. I tweet other people’s books/news and they return the favour.

What do you think is the most critical marketing component or tactic for becoming successful?

Author:      Persistence. The ability to just keep going even when it seems as if you are wading through mud and everyone else is enjoying unparalleled success but not you.

About Your Work

What type of content do you write and why? Fiction Novels? Poems? Songs? Screenplays? Short Stories? Epic? 

Author:      I write authentic Regency romances. This may seem an odd statement, but romance in this sub-genre of historical fiction has very clear guidelines. Regency sticks to certain rules, has die-hard fans that know their bonnets and boudoirs, and leans towards an authentic style for the genre.

Name some common elements in your writing: villains, magic, red-herring twists, the unfortunate ensign, mysterious phenomena, asyndeton, sentence fragments etc.

Author:      Regency could be called formulaic but in fact is anything but. Given the ‘restrictions’ imposed by the genre (clean romance, era-appropriate language etc) and the fact that there are no special FX and whizz-bang action car chases, the writer has to work on plots that are intriguing and concern people of the era, their relationships and the drama that arises from conflicts within these relationships and social issues. I aim for witty dialogue, intriguing plots, realistic interactions, and the social mores and manners of the time. There is plenty of material for themes and dramatic plots.

What was your first goal when you started your journey to becoming an author? Has that changed?

Author:      I did not think of becoming an author at all. I just wrote the books to entertain my mother. I happened upon a publisher who posted an advert in an online newsletter, asking for Regency manuscripts. They loved my books and asked if I had any more lined up. As it happened, I had. After my mom passed away, I have continued to write in her memory. She so loved Regency romance, like many readers out there.    

What do you want your readers to get out of your works? 

Author:      I absolutely love sinking into a Regency romance and being gently taken back to an era when things were much simpler. A good romance can absorb you for a few relaxing hours. I want my readers to experience the same kind of pleasure. The feeling when you put down a book, sigh, and think, “Oh, that was just wonderful.”

What is your writing process, from idea to polished work? Pantster? Plotter? How long does that typically take you?

Author:     Oddly enough, I always start with a catchy title. I have tried to do it other ways, but the title seems to strike the right note and from there the story unfolds very easily. I handwrite my chapter outlines, make a list of potential characters, and then start typing the story. So it’s a mix of pantsing and plotting, but there is definite plotting. I never struggle for stories. There are always a few ideas floating around in my head.


Are you a driven & self-advocating author, a gun-shy promoter, or a total marketing procrastinator?

Author:      I am driven and self-advocating. You have to tell people your books are out there, and you have to give them a taste of the books as well. The Amazon Look Inside is not enough. Wattpad is a great way to give potential readers/fans a peek into your books. I have put the first 3 chapters of all my books on Wattpad to give any reader a nice chunk of my stories. The feedback is also useful. Wattpad allows you to share this with other platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Here are the first 3 chapters of The Reluctant Bridegroom on Wattpad I also use two excellent marketing companies to keep promoting me when I am not able to post on Twitter. Circle of Books comes highly recommended and The Main Channel Network.   

How do you combat writer’s block?

Author:      I don’t believe there is such a thing. When I grind to a halt in my story, I put that part aside and continue writing a few scenes ahead. I leave it up to my characters to sort out the roadblock when I get back to the scene. It works. You cannot force creativity.

Fun Stuff   

Where do you write your stories? A tiny office? A loft? The kitchen table? In the bushes while you secretly people-watch like a total creeper? Or a warm café with mocha in hand and feet up on an ottoman?

Author:      I live in a small island country in the Mediterranean. My home is in the countryside, in beautiful surroundings, and the only noise is the sound of birds singing… I have a study set up for my writing and here is where all the magic happens!

What book are you reading at the moment?

Author:      April Lady by Georgette Heyer for the umpteenth time.   

How do you try to “break the mold” and be unique? 

Author:      Every author is unique in their own way. Where things fall apart is when they read something another person has written or received accolades for and they then doubt themselves and copy the other writer. I write the way I write, and people enjoy my books. They may enjoy someone else’s more, but that’s their privilege. 

Do you have a writing companion?

Author:    Two dogs (Pumpkin and Stanley) and a cat (Bertie Wooster) and his girlfriend (Princess Jasmine) who comes to visit and eat my cat’s food.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Author:      I have three, actually. These I gleaned from the wonderful marketing guru Penny Sansevieri. 1. Never give up. 2. Make sure your books reach the highest standards of publishing. 3. Every day, in some way, tell someone about your books because word of mouth is free and it’s the best form of advertising.

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